Optimizing Your Inbox With the Boomerang Extension

There’s a running joke around the Shift office that everyone is always productive—except when they’re not. haha. No, but seriously, unproductivity happens to the best of us. So, to better understand the root causes of our team’s (rare) unproductiveness, we took a poll. Can you guess what the biggest culprit ended up being? Yep, email. But not just email in general. Specifically, the inbox.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 15 Feb, 2018

How to Fall In Love with Your Productivity Routine

I’m willing to bet any amount of money (okay, $20 at most) that “Be more productive” was somewhere on your list of new year’s resolutions for 2018. Honestly, it’s the type of resolution that ends up on nearly everybody’s list, almost every single year. So why is productivity one of those things that we seem to be forever chasing, but never able to truly achieve?

Lisa Ellis

Marketing Specialist - 07 Feb, 2018

The Best Tips and Tools for Team Collaboration

Keeping your team synergized, day after day and week after week, has its challenges. It’s one thing to motivate team members, but it’s a whole other thing to get them to perform. That’s why collaboration is so important to the fabric of teams.

Michael Foucher

Director of Product - 14 Dec, 2017