2018 Is The Year To Set Goals You Can Actually Achieve

2018 is almost here, and let’s face it, there is a lot of pressure to set goals—or at least attempt to. While personal and professional motivations for goal-setting vary, the data shows us that they tend to work, when done right. In fact, when we are thoughtful about the way we set goals, we thrive on the motivation they provide.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 21 Dec, 2017

How to Manage Slack and Email At the Same Time (And Stay Productive!)

These days, people are all about getting stuff done. And the more tools and resources—in most cases, digital ones—they have to help them reach their goals, the better they feel about the doing part of the equation.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 04 Dec, 2017

The Best Way To Use Boomerang And Grammarly? With Shift 2.0, of Course!

Shift is the email productivity app that helps you bring all your accounts together, in one sleek application, with support for Boomerang, and Grammarly too!

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 01 Nov, 2017

Tips For Staying Healthy and Productive When You Sit At A Desk All Day

When you work at a desk all day, you tend to live in somewhat of a paradox. You probably go home at the end of the day feeling tired. You’ve been busy all day long. At the same time, though, you really haven’t moved much at all...

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 25 Oct, 2017

3 Email Situations Where BCC Isn't A Bad Idea

Some people might agree that using email is like using fire: both are clearly and undoubtedly useful. Both can be a means of communication. When used correctly, both can yield some incredibly impressive results. However, they both share one common drawback too: one wrong move can rapidly turn the situation into a disaster that knows no bounds.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 16 Aug, 2017

When To Use Email (And When Not To!)

Since the Internet first introduced us to email, the platforms for possible communication have multiplied, almost out of control. We have so many ways to communicate with associates and coworkers these days that it can be hard to figure out which method is best suited for any given purpose.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 16 Jun, 2017

5 Ways You Win When You Use A Unified Desktop Email Client

Email has become something we all take for granted. Not too long ago, we used to ask people if they had an email address. Today we just assume everyone has at least one. When someone needs to get in touch with you, they’re more likely to ask you for your email address than your phone number.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 27 Apr, 2017

The 5 Pillars of Proper Emoji Etiquette

You may have noticed that we love emojis here at Shift - but let's face it - proper etiquette when it comes to crying-so-hard-you're-laughing (?) versus crying (?) versus sweating (?) can sometimes be tough to navigate.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 22 Mar, 2017

How (Not) To Write An Email Greeting

Trying to come up with the perfect greeting for an email message is not always a simple task. The Internet has changed both the way we write, and the way we relate to each other. The lines between formal, friendly and linguistic fiasco have become blurred.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 30 Jan, 2017

Share Shift with Friends, and Get Rewarded!

You know that feeling when you’ve just found something really good, and you’re dying to share it with your work BFF?

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 19 Dec, 2016

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