How To Keep Your Email Communication Productive

Writing a clear, concise email helps your recipient understand the information you want to share, and can improve the chances of them replying.  Here are four tips to help you keep your email communication productive!

Devin Bonin

Marketing Associate - 27 Jun, 2017

When To Use Email (And When Not To!)

Since the Internet first introduced us to email, the platforms for possible communication have multiplied, almost out of control. We have so many ways to communicate with associates and coworkers these days that it can be hard to figure out which method is best suited for any given purpose.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 16 Jun, 2017

5 Tips for Creating the Perfect Email Signature

If you're reading this blog, you use email a crazy amount. But do you feel like you've really mastered it yet? Often, we are so caught up in the message we are trying to get across in an email, that we actually lose track of the things that matter most; sentence structure, grammar, punctuation...and email signatures! When was the last time you really looked at yours?

Devin Bonin

Marketing Associate - 05 Jun, 2017

The 5 Pillars of Proper Emoji Etiquette

You may have noticed that we love emojis here at Shift - but let's face it - proper etiquette when it comes to crying-so-hard-you're-laughing (?) versus crying (?) versus sweating (?) can sometimes be tough to navigate.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 22 Mar, 2017